At last I have decided where to move!
After nearly a year of searching for a place to live, I ended up with a place that I liked and disliked this way and that, not the best place, and to be honest, a bit of a compromise.
But I am very happy with it.
In Japan, there is a week from late April to early May called Golden Week, which consists of 10 consecutive days of national holidays, weekends, and holidays. After this week, real estate activity slows down considerably, and it becomes even more difficult to find a house in the summer, so I decided that this was not the time to get hung up on this or that.
The only complaints I have are the functionality of the bathroom and the distance from the station. The rest of the property is pretty ideal.
It’s a little bigger than my current house, all the interior has been renovated, and it’s bright and clean.
The current house is only 4 minutes from the station, while the new house is 10 minutes from the station. It’s a little depressing to think about the daily commute, but I’m thinking, well, if I can find another good place, I can move in. I am planning to move in late May. Until then, I want to make time to go out to take pictures while preparing for the move.

I installed “Like” button today. lol