Finally!! yesterday (22nd, Friday) was the very last day of my work this year!!
i am working for labor union as system manager. not helpdesk person but they ask me small things like “is this frozen? what should i do?”
oh come on, just wait and sip your tea, princess! LOL
i have to handle everything just me. budget, time, process, management, fix technical issue, this and that….! lol
anyway, since summer i was so busy and would finish the project but thing delayed now (a huge delay! which is not my fault though). so i switched my mind to just step away from things and just relax on this week. yeah this year was really challenging to me. not just work, even for my photo shooting but eventually, things are worked and i am happy about it. well done!
as holiday season at last year, i am going to take vacation from daily posting on Instagram and updating blog. so, i am going to skip next weekend and will be back first weekend of January.
to be honest, it’s tough to keep posting photo every day and updating every weekend but these things keep push me up.
thank you so much!!

Thank you for checking my blog!!
i will be back soon.
Please stay safe and have great holiday season and New Year’s Day!!