
November #4

Merry Christmas to all!
I don’t set up anything for Christmas thing though. lol no tree, no turkey, no cake, no booze, not even fried chicken. lol
it’s just as same as regular weekend.
it’s 10:45AM here now and after posting this, i will pack my backpack to go somewhere for photo shooting.

from yesterday (Saturday), I’m in winter vacation for 10 days.
usually, i set up and go somewhere for a few nights and some day trip but this time, i just do not decide what to do on this winter vacation.
because i need the days with no schedule for my mind.
yes, simply i need to take a break.

i decide to take a few days for digital detox.
so i don’t update this blog next weekend.
plus, i will take break from instagram for a few days.
and i will fast for a few days (72 hours fasting is really good for your organs!)
during these days, i will take into isolation tank for 2 hours. lol
yeah i really need take a break from everything, even from what i like.

so anyway, merry Christmas! and stay safe, have a good time!

Thank you for your support this year.
i will take a break from updating next weekend but will resume again in january.
Have a great Christmas time.
let’s all pray that next year will be a great one.
let’s pray for all shits like war, covid, climate change, will be changed to better way.
only we can fix these problems.

Warmth, Kazzo

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