so, golden week (which is chain of national holiday in japan) has done. sadly, but i really enjoyed this time because finally i could visit Hokkaido. i stayed just one night but i really enjoyed every moment at there. beautiful tree, lake, tiny islands in lake, omg i am so fascinated. i want to visit again, soon!
Hokkaido is not like mainland of japan. i mean, i am talking about nature. it’s very different! beautiful! LOL
then i visited Kobe area and Osaka and it was so fun to stroll around. it’s been 4 years? since the last time i visit.
so, on this holiday i visited 3 different places. i am very very satisfied.
i love going out. i don’t watch TV, i don’t like it at all. so i don’t want to stay home with nothing to do. so i just go out evenm not for shooting and just see around. strange? lol
anyway, it’s time to out!

Thank you! 🙂
Have a nice weekend!