it’s saturday here. it’s raining and thundering now so i am not sure that i will go out today.
i am little tired because this week was pretty busy on work so it’s good to have some rest today.
Oh by the way, it’s going to be 5th year since I got camera. time flies. yeah it was so fast!!
am i improved? i think so…. but there are more to learn.
i don’t mind about my technical skill now. i want to see more art, not just photography, drawing, landscape, seascape, building, art objects, etc etc.
i am enjoying inspired by something. i am enjoying the process of giving something out from me after i felt something, after i got inspired.
in the same time, i am depressed by myself because i don’t feel that i am artistic. so this conflict in me and kicking me to do more. LOL
anyway, i will be lazy today. but if i see nice sunlight from outside, maybe i go out.

Thank you! 🙂
Have a nice weekend!