Today, I would go to a beach which is 2 hours and little from tokyo to capture beautiful rocks and sunlight.
when i was having breakfast i got notify on my iphone, says “there has been an accident-causing injury. it’s out of service between Yokohama station and Kanazawa Bunko station now.”
the beach I suppose to go that is beyond Kanazawa Bunko station.
Yes, somebody dived into railway to sabotaged me to go. so mean!
when I go somewhere, I really check out forecast, wind, how sunny, how cloudy, etc.
today, that area supposed to be great condition. super windy, sunny, partly cloudy….!
Super clear sky, no cloud is great but little boring. clouds make mood and makes kind of drama.
I was so excited! they back on their service around noon. so it’s little late to get there. so…. i gave up today!
instead of that, i went to some places in Tokyo to get some shots.
anyway, things happens and sometimes you have to be flexible! LOL

Thank you so much!
Have a nice weekend! 🙂