it’s end of busines year and it’s coming. so much task i have to get done by that and really busy right now. and so stressful.
woke up little late this morning, it was passed 8:30AM. then had breakfast, checking map and thinking about where to go but i am so tired and feeling so lazy so i decided to stay home and just relax.
then lay down on my bed again slept for 2 hours and half. got 2 pack of chips with coke, watched Dune. lol
now i am going to pack my back for tomorrow. 3 hours to get shore in Ibaraki. it’s second time to visit the beach. the last time i went there i didn’t feel any good at there but recently, i feel that i have to visit again. there’s a one photo shot i want there. so i will go. 3 hours to get there, stay there for 3 hours, amd 3 other hours to come back. it’s gonna be long day. but i hope i can get nice one.