it is going to best season for photo shooting to me!
everything is so clear, beautiful and calm.
i love summer but for shooting, autumn and winter are best.
of course it depending on what you shoot though.
as always, i went to my favorite place yesterday, it’s Watarase Yusuichi in tochigi prefecture.2 hours and half by train from is far but i love it so much!
it is because they have nothing except trees and lake. almost nobody sometimes, even if it’s busy but it’s not like in tokyo.
totally quiet, just sound of wind, so perfect to me.
i love walking this place just for walk. not just for shooting. sometimes with listen to music so loud, sometimes just listen to that silence.
i am wishing i could shoot that silent moment.
it’s been 2 years? maybe, since i’ve been visiting for shooting so sometimes i feel that there is nothing to shoot but there’s always something to find. it is very interesting.
i hope i can visit that place again soon.

Thank you so much!
Stay safe and have a nice weekend!