Okay, Officially, The rainy season is gone.
Well, every year, people say “when it’s obviously rainy season has gone but they say it’s not yet. but eventually, they say “it seems like it’s gone already” yeah it seems they’re doing their job. lol
it’s forcast. it’s just guessing with “looks like”. so i don’t blame. lol
anyway, it’s same as other places, it’s god damn hot.
here, in tokyo 38C degree. some places got 40 degree.
but still much better than in rainy season it’s because that humidity kills you. it’s like sauna!
always heavy clouds, humidity, hot, nothing good. nothing beautiful. it’s totally gray everywhere you see.
now there’s blue sky, some clouds, winds, it’s hot but nice.
i am happy to go out for shooting.
sometimes i am spoken by someone at the place i went. yesterday, an old man spoke to me about how direction of sunflower blooms. he said “it has to be faced the sun but it’s not, why?” so i said “i don’t know but i guess if it’s facing sun, surface of the flower that has honey gets dried. maybe that’s why.” he was like “ooh i see. that makes sense.”
and then he asked me “I am thinking about to visit Aomori Prefecture, but I haven’t been to. so i don’t know what they have. if i just get a bullet train ticket with no reservation for hotel, and if i would stay hotel, can I get? with no resevation? what do you think?”
i was frozen it’s because i’ve never been asked such a funny question.
“well, maybe you’d better try tourist company. they will make you some plans you might like then they get tickets and hotel for you.”
and he was like “Oh my goodness, that’s good idea! oh yes i gotta try it”
and he thanks me then he left.
hehehe i love having conversation with someone, strangers. it’s fun. lol

Thank you!!
Have a nice weekend! 🙂