
March #4

this weekend, again, rain.
though i am not feeling well since friday night so i decide to stay home this weekend. damn! lol

i don’t have much lactose tolerant so milk’s gonna kick my ass.
on friday night, after gym, i didn’t have much energy to think what i have to take, so i mixed up protein powder and milk with banana.
i am ok with milk if it’s like half of a cup but i had 500ml with protein.
now you can imagine what happened after that… lol
i couldn’t sleep. lol

it’s sunday afternoon herer now, and i am ok right now but i don’t have much energy today….
imma dead today. lol

this one has been shared by @zeisslensjapan on instagram. I am so grateful!

Thank you, guys!

Be safe and have a nice weekend!

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