Oh dear. I slept for like 10 hours last night.
I was so surprised when i woke up this morning. 10 hours?
my brain is now working yet. i would write something specific thing today but i don’t remember now. lol damn imma old.
i am not that old but i am experiencing “getting old”.
and this won’t ends.
when i was young, i never thought that i would be like my current age.
yeah it’s like “someday” but that someday is surely coming.
i have some friends like my age. like 10 years ago or 15 years ago, general conversation is like “hey! so what we gonna eat today?” or “did you go to … (like somewhere amusement place)” something like this.
when you are young, you don’t mention about health, about your body.
but now me and my friends, the conversation start from “how are you?” “yeah i’m okay but my knees” or “my back hurts! do you know some good chiropractor or …” alwaya talking about body or something about health. LOL!
“Getting old is beautiful” someone said that. i don’t remember.
yes but in the same time, like Cher said “it sucks” LOL
i agree both. LOL
oh well, it’s time to go out!

Thank you so much! 🙂
Be safe and have a nice weekend!