i’m writing this now it’s friday night here. it’s 8:30PM.
it’s golden week. it’s chain of national holiday here in Japan.
only 30th i have to go to work for half day. it’s ok.
anyway, i am going to go little trip from early tomorrow morning.
i have to get up 4:30 or so. omg, i gotta get in bed soon. lol
you know i was soooooo superrrrrrr busy as hell since last month.
i really really needed to get out from my daily life. so i really appreciate to have some days off.
i just want to go into nature! clean air, sky, beautiful trees, flowers and greens! LOL
anyway, i’ve done packing my backpack. it’s almost 15kg but ok.
2 cameras, lenses, tripod and this and that.
i’m excited. VERY! LOL
i hope i can get some nice shots! wish me luck! thanks!

Thank you so much for your support!
I really appreciate that!
Have a nice weekend ❤️