last friday night, i was so stupid so i caught a cold and it was worse than i expected! LOL
yeah last friday, saturday and sunday were bumpy ride. lol
I really really needed to fix myseflf up by monday because i really really wanted to go to my favorite lake with my friend Makoto.
and yeah, i could make it. lol
so that lake, maybe the most beautiful weather ever in recent year. it was incredibley beautiful.
it is funny because usually when people realize the summer is ending, feeling kinda sentimental mood we feel but i felt the same feeling i had on the day because i had feeling like the winter is ending and spring is coming. yeah spring is nice but i feel bit disappointing because as much as temperature become high, can’t see that clear clear sky and view anymore. yeah humidity kills that clear “in between”. you know what i mean? i am not strong at coldness but I LOVE that clearness in winter.
anyway, it’s time to move on.

Thank you!
Please stay safe and have nice weekend! 🙂