oh damn! it’s raining a lot again! lol
i would go to a huge park in tokyo last weekend but my couch got me, trapped me, hugged me tightly so i couldn’t go anywhere!! and today it’s raining so i decided to be sticky and snuggle to my couch for all day today. LOL!!
anyway, i am waiting for some flowers to bloom, good timing. last weekend was little early for that so i hope tomorrow will be great.
Autumn! Winter! oh i hate being in cold but it’s great season for shooting to me! yay!
october, november, decmeber oh these months are golden to me. everything is so beautiful, less humidity, so comfortable, relaxing!!
if you have a chance to visit japan, try some temple and shrine area to see autumn leaves! it’s awesome! and onsen is great! lol

Thank you! 🙂
Have a nice weekend!