
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who came to my exhibition and supported me!



i wasn’t really interested to shooting from before but one day in summer i played little with gopro hero 7, i wasn’t very satisfied and then it made me want to try shooting with great quality.

then i spent so much hours for researching about lenses and camera, checked so many photos on internet.

then i found a picture that taken by carl zeiss lens. i called to sony store then i got a7iii. in the same, i ordered carl zeiss batis 40mm cf, then a few weeks later i got batis 85mm, then 135mm and 25mm.

this is the very first one that i took at home. lol

i didn’t pay much attention to organize my photos at the time, so i lost a lot already in this year. lol
now i am very organized for photograph and other data. yeah i have to be so.

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