
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who came to my exhibition and supported me!


March #4

this week was very meaningful to me.
i had fever and got hurt on my throat on tuesday evening. i know it sounds like symptom of covid-19 and i doubted it too but it wasn’t. when i’m in too busy and stressful situation sometimes i get tonsillitis. i have antibiotics pill so i took it on tuesday night then i got in bed like 10:30PM but i couldn’t sleep well. “i can’t take a day off tomorrow so i must sleep and be better!” yeah obviously i pushed my self too much so eventually, i couldn’t sleep much that night. maybe i slept 3hours or so, total.
so i gave up and sent message to my boss and others to say that i’m dead.
after i sent message, on wednesday morning, i decided “let’s just relax and shit”
i just being lazy at home. so i could go next day for work with good feeling. lol

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