usually, i am not really into flower shots. lol
yeah you can beat me up and say “you are liar” hehehe
i mean, when it’s spring, everybody posts cherry blossoms a lot in the same time, right?
some people post it every single day until when it’s gone.
i’m always trying to post with some variety, differences, different scene in my way.
a few weeks ago, i looked back old photos i took and i thought i should have try with strobe. yeah i have 2 strobes but i haven’t use that much.
so i decide to try! lol
last weekend, i went to a place that famous as sunflower and i tried a lot but it wasn’t that good. it was so so shot but i had to figure out to make it better.
to make it better i had to learn more about function of it. yeah i was just played with some buttons and “okay, how about this??” LOL
of course, this is not work. this stupid behave is not creative at all.
so i checked out manual, read and tried at home then decide to go same place to try one more time.
maybe you will see that photo soon…. lol

Thank you!
Have a nice weekend! 🙂 🙂 🙂