Yes, as always, it’s time of pollen allergy! yay!
i have allergy. pollen allergy and house dust. since i was 48 years old. tragedy.
usually, allergy reaction will be done by end of each season. but unfortunately i got problem from late December.
My voice got hoarse. it’s already 2 months passed but still i can’t speak with clear voice. sucks.
my doctor who i trusting on gave me 5 different medication but they don’t work for me. now i am thinking about to try other doctor.
and now it’s going to another pollen allergy season. so i have find a way i can fix this situation ASAP.
otherwise i have to go through this shitty voice for next a couple of months. hmm!
it’s big issue to me now! LOL
mostly people who i’m going to meet, for them it’s big problem! LOL
wish me luck!

Great collaboration with Kate! I’m grateful for her patience, artistic sprit and her kindness! Please click here for more!

Thank you very much!
Have a nice weekend ❤️❤️❤️