Okay, I am still in bumping ride situation. LOL
too busy, too tired, physical condition and etc.
so, today is 2nd March. i went somewhere for shooting from January is like only 3 or 4 times. this is like nightmare to me! LOL
main problem is that my stock is about to running out! i’ve been posting Instagram every single day except winter holiday.
But I have to pay little more attention to my body also. yep i am getting old and i feel it every fucking day! congrats me! LOL
I don’t wanna complain but actually i have some other things going on my body now and it just making me feel like old man! and i am only 52! LOL
so to be honest, i feel stiffness and pain behind my left knee from a few days ago. it happened before so nothing special, but this time is little strange so i am thinking, should i go doctor or just see it for a while, etc etc.
Orthopedics is said to be the least developed field in medicine. At least in Japan. So when you go to an orthopedic surgeon, they take x-rays, and if no bone is broken, based on the pain and its location, they assume it’s a muscle problem, or a nerve problem, and end up with pain. There is no treatment other than pain killer and compresses. so basically, you can get both from pharmacy. hmmm fuck it! LOL
anyway, i have some things to do and my number one priority is going for shooting! so anyway, i will go! NOW!

Thank you so much!
please be safe and have a nice weekend! 😘