
June #4

i got symptom on monday morning. just little fever. but i noticed, this is not regular fever. so i asked my friend who has infected a week before. then he told me there’s a phone line for people has symptom so i called them on that early evening.
a young lady has talked me, asked me some question with very tiring behavior, like she had more than thousand time same conversation, same questions.
anyway, on the end of the phone she gave me three different doctor’s phone number which i can access from my home by walk.
on tuesday morning, i called one of them and they said “it’s full but if you’re ok with waiting like an hour or so, you can come after 6PM today”
at the time i got really high fever.
so i visited to the doctor’s office at 6PM and yes i had to wait but only half hour.
the result was positive.
they are really get used to handle everything so i didn’t have to worry anything. they gave me some papers about covid and support system, how staying home to heal with some medicines for 10 days.

so i am writing this in covid now. lol
yeah it is crazy but no fever now. just little cough, that’s all.
it’s been 5 days passed. it’s so quick!

i hope i can get better soon and able to go photo shooting! otherwise i go crazyyyyyyyy! lol

Please stay safe and have a nice day!


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