September #5

when i posted instagram for photo of the day, i noticed it’s been 3 year since i got first camera.
yea, exact same day of 3 years ago, i got first camera and lens.
it is very funny feeling because i’ve never thought that i would into photo shooting.
i didn’t taking photo like academic way.
i just shot as i wanted but when i couldn’t make it well, means, there were only 2 reasons.
one is that i wasn’t clear enough what i wanted to shoot. another one is technically i wasn’t enough.
so, i learned by my self when necessary.
so, it’s been 3 years but i’m sure there are many to learn!
so, i guess i am still beginner level. but that’s ok it’s because i still want to explore more! lol

Thank you for checking out!

have a nice weekend!

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