July #2

it is August now. means it is my birth month.
so i decide to buy a little gift to myself.

as i mentioned this at stories on instagram, i got a new lens.
it is CarlZeiss Batis 18mm. it is super wide lens.

they have 5 lenses as Batis series. (18mm, 25mm, 40mm, 85mm and 135mm)
18mm is the last one which i didn’t have.
so now i got them all!

it is funny because the reason i got camera was that i didn’t like super wide lens on GoPro. but i got super wide lens and i love it! lol

it is not really free to go out because we’re in situation of corona yet but i will do my best for shooting! lol
wish me luck!

Thank you!

have a nice day!

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