August #4

these days are called silver week in Japan.
it’s because two national holidays in 9 days which are autumnal equinox day and respect for the aged day.
and if you could get paid leave for a few days in these days it’s going to be 9 days off.
i would take paid leave but i couldn’t because i had to show up on a stupid meeting. oh well. lol

but i had a great day on last Monday.
i met one of my photographer friends, Makoto and it’s been over a year.
he brought me to an exhibition at Nikon Plaza in Shinjuku.
and it was great!!
Luckily, we could meet photographer “Hiroyoshi Taira” at the exhibition.
all photos are black and white and the details and texture, omg these are so amazing.
it was like, maybe half hour? or maybe less but we could talk with him deeply and it very touching.
he is 34 years old grown man, but his eyes are like child and so clear.
now i am very huge fan of him. lol

and then my photographer friend Makoto showed me his new photobook.
it’s black and white photo and it’s amazing! i am very impressed.
he showed me his photobook before and most photos are color photo and pretty much like fine art but this time was black and white. very high contrast, composition was very bold.
i wish i could take photo like he does.
and then we walked around in Shnjuku, a verll small area that has still old age which called “Showa era”
and this made me think a lot of my photo.

i am very grateful for the day, my friend, Makoto and wonderful photographer, Hiroyoshi Taira.

Please check these out!!

@makoto_tokyo • Instagram写真と動画

平良 博義(@hiroyoshitaylor) • Instagram写真と動画

日々の川 – 平良博義 | shashasha 写々者 – 日本とアジアの写真を世界へ

Thank you!

Have a nice day 😉

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