it’s december! time flies!
my mind is still being in november or october… just like that but i realized it’s december! omg.
my tasks on work are super delay but it is not my fault at all so i don’t care. lol
i got 4 projects right now and 2 of them are very big projects and one of them got huge delay. originally that one has to be done by end of this year, but it might be done maybe next February. okay i don’t care because it’s not my fault. it’s my boss! LOL
others, yeah kinda getting late and also not my fault! LOL
so everything is so delaying but OK.
to be honest, i hate this. i hate things get delay but i know it happens sometimes.
so right now, i have not many things to do on work….
so i am bored….so i bought some things while i’m on work, not really necessary, at amazon it’s because black friday. detergent bottle, perfume and this and that…. LOL
sigh, i don’t like too busy but boring is really bad.

Thank you!
Have a nice weekend!