Moody people can be cute, like little kids, but sometimes I just want to punch them. lol
Well, whatever. I’ll take this as a challenge—or maybe a lesson—in patience.
After all, life is one big learning experience until the day we die. lol
Some people are just difficult. They act like they don’t care about anything but themselves, yet they’re always secretly keeping an eye on what’s going on around themselves through SNS. And then, when they don’t get the attention they want, they shut themselves for awhile…
With the end of the fiscal year coming up, the office is buzzing with talk about personnel transfers. Everyone’s busy sucking up to their bosses and trying to be on everyone’s good side to avoid getting sent somewhere they don’t want to be.
I try to stay above all this drama, looking at it from a distance. But before I know it, I get sucked right in. Just when I’m about to be completely drained, spending time with good friends brings me the kind of comfort I need. LOL
Yeah, we all need a little healing sometimes.
People can be the ones who hurt us, but they can also be the ones who heal us.
It’s ironic, but every day, I’m reminded to be grateful for the fact that we can’t really get through life without each other.

Thank you!!
Have a nice weekend