summer, it’s very short. at least i feel that way.
and in the same time, hot days are never ends.
strange huh LOL
Let me explain little about “Risshu” is one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional Japanese calendar, marking the beginning of autumn. Although the weather may still be hot!, it signifies the end of summer and the transition into cooler days. It usually falls around early August. it is coming end of august now, actually, so on the daytime is still summer heat but after 6 or 7PM, it’s much cooler than July or mid August.
when i was leaving my company today, it was 5:40PM or so, i felt “Oh it’s the time of summer leaving” i saw that sky, i felt that air was very different. and i really really love it so so so much. i love the moment of season changing. bit lonely but little excitement in my heart because i can see different beauty in daily life.
what can i see next weekend? and the next weekend?
yes its same autumn coming, same winter is coming but nothing will be the same as before even the same season comes.
i can wait to see that beautiful sunset by the lake.
i love to long walk for shooting in the bushes in the autumn.
i love feeling that cold air touches my face when i walking in the cold outside.
actually, i’m not strong at winter. but i know shooting in winter, it’s just fantastic. it’s just fascinating!

Thank you so much!
have a nice weekend 😘