so much going on in my life this year, mostly emotionally and mentally. and i do believe it’s in a good way.
i want to share what happened on me Wednesday this week. it’s miracle to me.
there is an old lady (63yo at the time) back in countryside, i met her when i was 18 years old. i don’t even know what life is, how to survive my life at time. i was just work hard, family issue, this and that. i don’t even know that i was lost in life. just making good money and meet friends, hang out together. i thought i was having good life enough but i didn’t know that i didn’t have “life”
and she “spoke to me” you know what mean? yeah you can ignore if you don’t like or not believe in. that’s ok.
and then my whole entire life has been changed. she saved me.
then 35 years passed. i’ve been looking for her since then but i couldn’t find her.
then finallty i found her on wednesday daytime, on internet. but i was’t sure about that information because the locaiton is little bit strange to me so anyway, i called her after my work. i was about to go into orthopedics for my knee. first several call no one picked up so maybe it’s wrong number or wrong information i got. because
but finally she picked up.
oh yes, it’s her voice…
i said i met you when 18 and i am living in tokyo right now and you changed whole my life. i am hoping to see you again but she said she retired and got sick, she doesn’t meet anyone right now. so i didn’t want to push her so i just said “i just want to say thank you so much, you saved me for past 35 years”
and she said “oh that’s wonderful. i appreciate your call. Thank you”
omg i can’t stop tearing my eyes. i hanged up the phone then got into orthopedics, i guess some people might think that i’m crying for pain.
then when i got home, i dropped my backpack and everything, sat down on the floor and cried a lot like crazy.
it was like flashback, so many things and memories came up and ran through my mind.
she told me a lot.
she gave me a lot.
and she saved me a lot.
thank you, i just want to keep saying that to her.

Thank you so much!!
Have a nice weekend ❤️