so, i had medical issue a few weeks ago so i had an emergency endoscopy last wednesday.
and yesterday, i met my doctor and he told me he cut off two tumors. thank god!
and he said if you leave it like one or two years, it could become cancer.
plus, he told me that my health condition is not that good. high cholesterol and this and that.
anyway, you know i love, i love love working out at gym and that’s not for body shape or anything, simply i really love weight lifting. but he said “you have to stop taking suppliments and protein.
and i was like “here it comes” i knew it from before. but such soon…
to be honest, i really want to cry. but this is the life, you know.
i had to give up weight training when i was 44 or so due to Cervical spondylotic radiculopathy.
the condition was not good at the time and i decided to be just away from workingout after while, i feel much better and i found out my physical strength so i decided to go to gym again but this time i wouldn’t go into it but i did… LOL
so here i am. sucks.
i found a funny reel on instagram awhile ago. Cher and Tina Turer were on TV show. and a lady asked something like “how about getting old?” and Cher said “i think it’s sucks!” LOL
yeah that’s exactly how i feel about it!! but noone can change it.
so… maybe it’s time to go to “next step in my life”. sucks though! LOL
all i wanna shout out “FUCKKKKKK” LOL

Thank you so much!!
Have a nice weekend ❤️❤️❤️