Something is not right. LOL
Yeah, something is not right—I’ve been feeling that way recently.
“It’s no big deal” kind of things happen all the time in life, but sometimes they make a difference. It starts with something small, almost unnoticeable, but eventually, it changes things. LOL
Yeah, that’s how I feel these days. Something is not right.
The funny thing is, I welcome big changes in life because I love adventure. Change brings new opportunities and excitement. But at the same time, I kind of hate having to change certain things. I love maintaining balance and having control over my daily life.
For example, I usually go out for a shoot every Saturday. Then, someone asks me to take care of something, and I say yes, thinking it’s just a one-time thing. But a few weeks later, I find myself doing it again… on a Saturday afternoon… and then again… and again…
Just like that.
I don’t blame anyone, but I have to say NO.
Because I feel like I’m losing my time. Saturday is the only day I can dedicate to shooting, so I can’t keep giving it away to others.
What wasn’t right was that I let someone else take control of my time.
Yeah, that’s on me. Meh. LOL
Things like this happen sometimes. LOL

Thank you very much!
Have a nice weekend!